Integrated Circuit Card
Integrated Circuit Card. EMV chip cards use a smart chip instead of a mag stripe to store the data that is needed to process a transaction. A smart card, also called chip card or integrated circuit card is a type of pocket-sized card with embedded integrated circuits which can process data.
Find out information about Integrated circuit card Integrated circuit cards are believed to be more secure than traditional magnetic stripe cards because the embedded chips are much harder to clone.
EMV chip cards use a smart chip instead of a mag stripe to store the data that is needed to process a transaction.
Stands for "Universal Integrated Circuit Card." UICCs are "universal" since a single card supports multiple applications and therefore multiple cellular networks. By carefully selecting the right combination of smart cards and card readers, a fully functional system can be implemented with Debian. Integrated Circuit Card ID (ICCID) is the unique identifier of a Subscriber Identity Module (SIM card) on a mobile device.